Welcome to Springfield High's FAQ page. If you have a question, don't raise your hand...just read this page! :)

When Is The Reunion?
The Class of 93' Class Reunion is October 4th & 5th
Where Is The Reunion?
October 4th- 5pm-11pm @ DBHS- Catered Tailgating/Homecoming Football
            (Class of 93 will enter as a group, have separate seating/tailgate)
October 5th- 7pm-1am- Holiday Inn @ Bordeaux
**School Tour- Dates & Time -TBA                                
What Is The Cost of The Reunion?
-$80- individual/ $140- couples
-The cost is inclusive of the Friday night game/ catered tailgate
  & Saturday night Reunion Gala
How Do I Pay for The Reunion?
Please submit your payment today to:
Bank of America
Acct.# 237027926833
Routing # 053000196
1) Submit all monies by June 15th and receive a 10% discount
2) Partial Payments-  1st partial payment by June 15th
                                    2nd partial payment by July 15th
Please remember there are costs for the Reunion Committee to confirm and negotiate contracts .... If payments aren't made where does the money come from????
Please do your part to ensure this event is a success for all.
1. When is the reunion?
The reunion is on July 19, 2008!!
2. Where is the reunion?
The Ballroom at the Loews
3. How do I buy tickets to the event?
Go to the buy tickets page on this website to purchase your tickets right now!!